How We Met? (Jennifer's Version)

Labor Day Weekend 2021, some of my girlfriends were flying to Miami to watch the FAMU v. Jackson State game. I wanted to stay home and enjoy the weekend. They finally convinced me to drive down.

I got to Miami and waited for them at the Bar area in the Fountainbleu. I was sitting down and I heard a man to my left walk up and strike up a conversation with a woman sitting there. Once my friends got back, I got up to meet them upstairs.

As I’m walking away, I hear the same man say, “hold on my wife is walking away.” That was Milton. We eventually exchanged numbers and texted throughout the weekend. Two weeks later, while I was in NYC for Fashion Week, he met me and we had our first official date night at the Dream Hotel rooftop.

The rest is history!

Tout à commencé le week-end de la fête du Travail 2021, certaines de mes copines s'envolaient pour Miami pour regarder le match FAMU contre Jackson State. Je voulais rester à la maison et profiter du week-end mais elles m'ont convaincu de prendre la route pour les rejoindre. Je suis arrivée à Miami et je les ai attendu au bar de la Fountainbleu. J'étais assise et j’ai aperçu que l’ homme à ma gauche entamer une conversation avec une femme assise pas loin de moi. Lorsque mes amies sont arrivées , je me suis levée pour les retrouver à l'étage. Alors que je m'éloignais, j'entends le même homme dire : « Attendez, ma femme s'éloigne ». C'était Milton. Nous avons échangé nos numéros et nous nous sommes envoyés des SMS tout au long du week-end. Deux semaines plus tard, alors que j'étais à New York pour la Fashion Week, il m'a rejoind et nous avons eu notre première soirée officielle sur le toit-terrasse du Dream Hotel. Le reste appartient à l’histoire!

How We Met? (Milton's Version)

I met Jennifer in 2021 at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami. I was sitting at the bar, having a conversation when I noticed Jennifer kept trying to get my attention. But another gentlemen, was trying to talk to Jenn and get her number. When she got up to leave because I was taking too long to say something to her, thats when I stopped her and we started talking. That's when I told her, "You're gonna be my wife one day." The rest is history, now we're here. LOL

Milton’s version:
J’ai rencontré Jennifer en 2021 à l’hôtel Fontainebleau à Miami. J’étais assis au bar, en train de discuter, quand j’ai remarqué que Jennifer essayait d’attirer mon attention en même temps qu’un autre homme tentait de lui parler et d’obtenir son numéro. Lorsqu’elle s’est levée pour quitter le bar, parce que je ne réagissais pas, c’est à ce moment-là que je l’ai arrêtée et je lui ai alors dit: “Tu seras ma femme un jour.” Le reste appartient à l’histoire, et voilà. MDR

How He Proposed?

We were in Savannah for Milton’s uncles 75th Birthday. During the day we helped set up and get the space ready. At one point during the party, his cousin asks me to help with clearing a space and I do. When I come out, I’m completely oblivious to the change in music. I’m asked to walk up to the stage area. As I’m walking, I see his aunt and cousins on the stage area and think they’re subbing for the band who didn’t make it.

I still don’t process the moment until I’m in front of him and read the rest of the shirts worn by everyone else, “Jenn””Will” “You” “Marry.”

Then I see him come around the corner wearing a yellow shirt that says, “Me.”

It was the day before his birthday and completely unexpected. He got me, literally.